ClickPoint System Updates and Improvements - November 2nd, 2015

Publish 11.3.2015

Updates for the week of 11-02-2015

This update covers many new features we added to the mobile application.  We added appointment functionality, filters, comment boxes.  We also improved the calendar system to include recurring appointments.  These updates are officially released to our web version, however, the update to our mobile solution is pending approval from the Apple App store.

New Feature:
iPad and SE Web – Next appointment in record information on each lead detail
iPad lead list views now include next appointment information. iPhone lead list views now include appointment indicator.
iOS – Add filter for workflow on dashboard
Record type and workflow filters built into recent leads on dashboard.
iPad – Add filter for workflow
Ability to filter recent leads by workflow and record type.
iPad – Large text box for comments and notes
Large text box renders for comment type fields on lead details.
iPad and SE Web – Appt add more info for notification
iPad and SE Web – Appointment add more info for notification.

Ability to create appointments for multiple calendars
Ability to create calendar appointments with multiple attendees. These appointments are tied together, if the appointment is updated by one user, these changes are seen by all users on that appointment.
Web – Recurring events in Calendar
Calendar appointments now support recurrence. The ability to repeat that appointment by a specific time frame.

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